Whether you’re new to livestock, or just new to working livestock with dogs – there is a lot to learn!  While the working Australian Shepherd is instinctive, a handler with a good eye is key.  We’ve put together a few of our favorite articles to get started!

Above All

So You Think You Want A Stockdog – Sounds great so far? Buyer be aware.

Basic Knowledge

Cowology – If you don’t understand the basics of how livestock move, then you cannot effectively use a dog.  JeanneJoy Hartnagle breaks down basic cattle basics, but the concepts of group and flight zone carry over.

Reading LivestockA short by Orin Harnes with a great image on flight zone and catching the eye.

Glossary Part of understanding, is knowing the terms.Next Steps

Starting A Dog – insight and concepts from premier handler/trainer/breeder/rancher Sherry Baker.

Take a Walk – Young dogs need to go outside and get their feet wet.

Getting A Stop – Probably the most important tool.  Don’t skip it.

Common Mistakes with Loose Eye’d DogsDana Mackenzie has seen it all with loose eye’d dog. Soak up some of the knowledge.

Don’t Loose Sight of the Goal

When To Start Trialing – If this is your goal, then a reality check is important.

Jack, The Handiest Dog – Four Commands to get it all done on the Ranch.

Lending A Paw in Indiana – Michelle Durkin and Dusty to the Rescue.


Cover image: Sara Martin and Billie on GS Ranch in Canada. Read more about Sara here