Diamond C Aussies
Breeders / Posted 5 months ago by Tom Collins
We have had Aussies working on the ranch since 1990. After doing much research for the best breed of cow dog to purchase, it was evident that Aussies were the breed I wanted! We needed a dog that had the ability to work the 70 registered angus mother cows as well as be a great family dog too. Having never bred any litters, as one dog got older, a new one was purchased. That all changed when Piper was purchased from Hillside Aussies. What a fabulous dog she is, and the decision was made to raise a litter with the intent of retaining a female. Thus Marley was welcomed into the fold. Enough people were able to see these pups and began asking about a pups from Piper that it was decided to purchase a male from Twin Oaks. Sherry guided the process and we ended up with Doc! Doc is out of Oakley, one of only four Supreme champion stockdogs and Vinny a Finals cattle champion in his own right. Upon Doc’s arrival the decision has been made to begin competing in ASCA Stockdog trials. The ultimate goal is to have and produce working dogs that can work on the ranch as well as a stockdog trial.
- Listing ID: 8251
- Registry available:: ASCA, AKC
- Services available:: Puppies occasionally
- Lister name: Tom Collins
- Owner: Tom Collins - Diamond C Aussies
- Mandatory video: https://youtu.be/UIimDDicCn4
- Pedigree info: The dogs Diamond C are all working bred Aussies. The goal is to maintain and improve the strong traits needed to work cattle here on the ranch as well as enough finesse to work all species in an arena trial.
- Public video 1: https://youtu.be/UIimDDicCn4
- Link to video 2: https://youtu.be/RXkNY-uU8Pk