Aussies are a popular breed; there are literally thousands of websites devoted to them. Below are some important sites with relevance for working Aussie owners.

  • Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA) The independent Aussie registry, unaffiliated with AKC. Sponsors stockdog trials and awards working titles (as well as other events such as conformation shows and agility trials). ASCA is organized into many local clubs which can overlap geographically; these will reflect the interests of their current members.
  • ASCA Stockdog – landing page for the Australian Shepherd Club of America’s Stockdog Program.
  • Aussie Info An extensive collection of articles and photos on working Aussies. This site was created by those who supported the creation of the ASCA working description (read the ASCA Working Description which was adopted)
  • Australian Shepherd Genetics Institute (ASHGI) The center for current, scientific information about Aussie genetic health issues. Highly recommended. 
  • Australian Shepherd Pedigree Search Very large searchable database, immensely valuable for pedigree research. This site has undergone some recent hosting changes and is presently accessed through the discussion group The Aussie Board — you must register as a member of that group to use the database.
  • – Covers a wide range of Australian Shepherd specific information – written by WAS’s Kristin Horowitz
  • Stockdog-Up – Trialing centered information


Although it’s easy to find art online featuring Aussies, it is harder to find portrayals of Aussies in working settings. Here are a few sources of prints, jewelry, and gifts, and just plain viewing.

  • Jean Barrett Custom portraits in pastel, graphite, and pen and ink.
  • The Border Collie Museum “An online museum dedicated to the shepherd’s dog, its history, culture, and lore . . .” despite the name, the majority of the historical paintings, prints, verse, etc. in this extensive collection depict old British farm collies much like the Aussie. Beautiful stuff.
  • Martin Grelle Western-themed oil paintings which often feature Aussies. Prints for sale.
  • Rick Guthrie Designs/Steel Blu Aussies Laser-cut metalwork home decor and gifts.
  • Julie Rogers Western-themed watercolors which often feature Aussies. Cards and prints.
  • Paula Waterman sculptor and painter with an interest in Aussies. Prints, custom portraits.



  • American Herding Breeds Association AHBA is a trialing venue. Conducts arena and ranch trials, awards titles and herding instinct certificates. Defines “herding breeds” broadly; provides opportunities for all herding breeds at any level of skill/talent to compete. Generally relaxed and inclusive.
  • Border Collies In Action The largest herding training supplies selection online. Also sells every conceivable object you can depict a Border Collie on.
  • Bud Williams Stockmanship School Low-stress cattle handling, sometimes using dogs. Essays, stories, and calendar of clinics.
  • Cowdog Central Information on working cowdogs. Has a fun “stories” section. (note: Site may not be updated but still fun)
  • Herding Dogs — AKC, AHBA & ASCA Herding Trials & Competitions A facebook group for all herding breeds. International in scope.
  • Herding On The Web Linda Rorem’s popular site. Has well-written herding articles and extensive links and resource listings. No breed emphasized or preferred.
  • Midwest Herding Connection Trainers, facilities, events, and connections for the herding community of the midwestern U.S.
  • The Old Time Farm Shepherd Site devoted to the historic American farm collie. Now distinct from the Aussie, this is surely one progenitor. Lots of primary documentation and photographs of early shepherd dogs of the US.
  • Operation Sheepdog Herding Herding training supplies such as whistles, training poles, etc.
  • Stockdog Savvy Blog by Jeanne Joy Hartnagle (Las Rocosa) discussing herding breeds around the world. Great photographs.


    • Aglinks: Farming On the Web An international agricultural links site
    • Agricola The US Dept. of Agriculture searchable database. Huge livestock section.
    • Livestock Conservancy The only organization in the U.S. working to conserve rare breeds and genetic diversity in livestock.
    • Capital Press Online agriculture newspaper for the Western states. Breaking news which affects ranchers and farmers. Big classified section including help wanted, livestock, machinery, real estate etc.
    • Graze  online and print publication devoted to promoting management-intensive grazing and family-scale livestock farms. Centered on the upper Midwest.
    • National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service USDA funded source of best-practice ag info including grassland management and all kinds of livestock.
    • Oklahoma State University Dept. of Animal Science Livestock Page Info about all livestock breeds. A very large and complete site.
    • The Stockman Grass Farmer “Devoted solely to the art and science of making a profit from grassland agriculture.” Covers all pastured stock from bison to chickens (but a strong emphasis on cattle).
    •  Dr. Temple Grandin The well-known livestock behavior expert’s articles concerning the safe and humane handling of livestock and its physiological bases.
    • On Pasture – “translating research and experience into practice”.  A diverse collection of both long form and short form articles on a variety of topics.






              Anti-animal ownership laws, disguised by the professed goal of reducing shelter populations, are being proposed and passed all over the US, at the state, county, and municipal levels. These laws will have a very direct effect on the working stockdog. Please educate yourselves about the real force behind this wave of laws (“Animal Rights” organizations People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals aka PETA and Humane Society of the United States aka HSUS), and what it means for you and your dogs and livestock.

              • National Animal Interest Alliance “The Mission of NAIA is to promote the welfare of animals, to strengthen the human-animal bond, and safeguard the rights of responsible animal owners and professionals through research, public education and sound public policy.” Well-organized and informative.
              • PETA Kills Animals News site which reports on the real PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Not pretty, folks.
              • The Truth About Humane Society of the United States  Nathan Winograd’s articles detail HSUS’s coverups of their “one generation and out” goals and policies.
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