I have been breeding and working Australian Shepherds since the mid 1970s. Breeding to preserve and improve their innate working instinct for ranch, farm, and...
K-J Ranch began raising working Aussies nearly 20 years ago. Our mission has always been to preserve the instinctive working dog, producing dogs with a...
Arcadia working Australian Shepherds is located in Frost, Texas. Our lines come from 100% working dogs. Maintaining the working Australian Shepherd is a passion of...
Home of "Real World Champions" since 1994 (ASCA Stockdog Kennel of Excellence) coosawatteeaussies.com or coosawatteeaussies@yahoo.com 770-608-6861 or 770-548-1644 WAO Stockdog Training (LIMITED AT THIS TIME)...
We have spent over 2 decades raising the Australian Shepherd and consider this the only true "all around" dog, whether it be for farm/ranch, family,...
First Choice Australian Shepherds is located in Burson, California. Our dogs come from 100% working lines and all puppies are sold guaranteed to work. We...
Sliding S was recently awarded the Stockdog Kennel of Excellence award from ASCA. Our focus is to breed working Australian Shepherds that have a good...